Tuesday, December 2, 2008


As i walked through the front of the shelter, a mixture of strange smells hit my nostrils , as if the smells were a huge bat and my nose was a small ball. I smelled so many different smells, a few were...
As I walked throughout the shelter, I touched many different things. A few were...
I felt so many different thoughts and feelings throughout the day, some including...
  • How hungry I felt
  • How cold I was from my wet clothes
  • How much I was sneezing from being around the cats
  • When the shift was going to be over
Blocking out a lot of the noises throughout the shelter is impossible. I heard...
I was so hungry that I could taste practically anything, even if I was not eating. I could taste...
  • My old, tasteless gum
  • The aroma of wet, damp dogs
  • Nasty poop
  • Pet shampoo, as I was touching my lip
I saw what I usually see everyday...
Overall the day was okay, just the usual.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

are you done with this blog?